My mom came with Ella and me to Target today to pick up a few things. Ella has been teething (or so we think), and so she's been having a bit of a hard day at home. Thus, we decided on an outing with Gammaw.
We had a great time, and Ella's mood was seeming to improve as the afternoon went on. Until we went to drop Gammaw off at her house. Ella started bawling in the carseat and reaching for my mom. And what grandmother can resist the outstretched arms of a crying grandchild? Ella's can't.
So, we went inside to visit Pop for awhile and play. 15 minutes later, it was time to try and go home...again. This time, Ella was much more blunt about things. She reached OUT of my arms for Gammaw's and when I tried to take her back, she turned and rested her head on my mom's shoulder, refusing to make eye contact with me. At that point, I left. And Ella stayed.
And I realized that Ella has never picked someone else to hold her over me until today. I spent the last 13 months carrying her around (and far too often) wondering when she would be less needy of mommy. The day has come, and my heart is torn. On the one hand, I said goodbye to a certain "babyness" in Ella today, and I'm a bit sad. On the other hand, WOOHOO! She's branching out! I'm gonna ride this wave and focus on the latter hand.