Friday, October 9, 2009

4 months

Ella is four months old today, and she is constantly doing new and exciting (for us and for her) things.

Here is a list of some of what she is up to these days:
1) "Talking", aka constantly making all kinds of noises at all different pitches and volume levels
2)Drooling--Today while I was holding her in the air and tickling her tummy, she drooled in my mouth...sick.
3)Laughing--see previous video post for a short clip of this preciousness.
4)Blowing "raspberries"
5)Working hard to get anything into her mouth, which now involves grabbing things with either hand and moving it rapidly towards her mouth, and then accidentally jacking herself in the face with either said object or said hand.
6)Still mostly refusing both bottle and pacifier--thus, the doctor told us today that it's time to begin the rice cereal process so that when I leave to go to work every other day, she doesn't just eat 3 oz. of milk in an 8 hour period (as she has been for the past two months), and then get home and want to nurse all night long.
7)Sleeping through the night--haha, just kidding. She's doing better, but her doc said that it's time to wean her from night feedings. That begins next week.

Bottom line: 4 months is awesome!! Pics to come.

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