Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Eye doctor

Today Ella had her first trip to the eye doctor. I think that normal people probably find the eye doctor a pretty blah experience. I have not ever had that experience, and so far, neither has Ella.

This was not a vision check, that comes closer to her 1st birthday. This was a specialized visit to have the doctor check out a bump Ella has had on her upper left eyelid for close to 4 months now. When she was a month old, it appeared randomly. We assumed, as did our pediatrician, that it was a stye, so we commenced to put warm compresses on it twice a day. After a month, we reluctantly gave up on the "stye" theory and set up an appointment to see Dr. Busse, a pediatric ophthalmologist, the best in Austin. It took almost 2 months to get in to see him, but our pediatrician told us it was nothing to worry about, so we waited.

Well, today we found out that the little bump is actual a non-cancerous blood vessel tumor on Ella's eyelid. Dr. Busse explained that there is nothing that needs to be done at this point, as it isn't growing any bigger, and he showed me pictures of what it would look like if it DID grow. He said, at that point, we would need to get into action. Apparently, this thing is nothing to be concerned about, and it will only look smaller and smaller as Ella grows up. She'll just live with it. I was really impressed with Dr. Busse's demeanor and explanations. As we were leaving, he said, "This is nothing to worry about. But, I'm willing to body slam this thing if I need to."

Anyway, Hal and I are not overly concerned, we're just going to watch it for now. But it was really hard to hear that something, even minute, is wrong with your child. Where did this tumor come from? Why is it there? Why will she have to deal with it forever?

For now, we wait and pray that God will miraculously shrink this tumor so that we don't need to watch it for changes or growth. And if not, that it would stay just like it is forever, no worse, no different. All prayers would be greatly appreciated. :)

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