Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Let the Potty "Training" Begin

A few weeks ago, my mom bought Ella a potty. It sat in the guest bathroom, and Ella seemed vaguely interested in its presence. Before her bath some nights, when I remembered, I'd sit her on it for a second and ask if she had to go pee-pee (pardon my French). She'd say, "Yes", do nothing, and then she probably went while in the bath.

Until yesterday.

At some point during the evening, Ella meandered into the bathroom, sat on the toilet (I then picked her up and took off her diaper and returned her to her throne), and went to the bathroom. She then stood up, looked at me with expectation of praise, and boy did I ever praise her!

Two hours later, before her bath, she did it again.

I titled this post Potty "Training" because we're not actually training Ella to do anything. I hadn't meant to even consider getting her to use the potty for many months. But since she seems so interested, we'll see how this plays out!

Sidenote: Ella has FINALLY been sleeping 10 hours a night and until 6:30 or 7:00!! This is a HUGE change from 4:45 AM, which has been the norm for months. So happy. :)

1 comment:

  1. WOW! So many big changes that make your life easier- awesome. Excited for you!
