Well, let's debunk some baby book advice that I've been so hung up on for the last several days.
Advice #1 debunked: Starting at 2 months, you should put your baby down drowsy, but awake so that he or she can learn to fall asleep on their own.
Fact: Ella will only sleep on me (at least she sleeps now though!)
Advice #2 debunked: The earlier you but your baby to bed, the LATER they will wake up.
Fact: Ella goes to bed at 9:00 PM sharp. A moment too soon, and she's up at 9:00 PM sharp.
Advice #3 debunked: Don't let your baby sleep on the Boppy pillow.
Fact: Ella will be sleeping on the Boppy, as that is the only way to get her to sleep in her crib. Now, with that said, let me clearly state that her head and nose are nowhere near the pillow or in the SIDS scary zone. In fact, I check on her several times to make sure. We will discontinue the use of the Boppy the moment she starts to move around at night, but as for now, when she's out, she's out--no movement.
Realization by me: She is a baby, not a robot. She does not like the baby book, and she will fight everything it says. She is her mother's daughter, and she does not appreciate unsolicited advice from a book, even if the authors are world-famous baby whisperers. Therefore, Ella and I will be sleeping (through the night!) together in the rocker in her nursery until she's a little older. This worked very well last night. I put her down in her crib at 9:00 PM, and she slept until 2:15 (Whoop! for all the Aggies out there). Then, I nursed her on the Boppy and let her fall asleep on the Boppy, on my lap, in the rocker. We slept until 5:30 AM, and even drifted in and out of sleep until around 6:00. That works for me!