Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Playdate and bottle controversy

Ella had her first playdate yesterday with her new compadres, Porter and Claire. All three babies really took to the blowup pool Carrie put on her patio. As soon as I figure out how to add the pictures to this blog, I'll put a few up that we stole from Kristen. We have all determined that Ella is the chunker of the group--and I love it! I can't believe how rolly and fabulous she is. Hal says that his side of the family all grew quicker than their age bracket, so we'll see if Ella continues the tradition. I was always the smaller of the girls in my classes at school, and Hal was always bigger than the boys, so maybe she'll even out.

We started Bottle Boot Camp yesterday. Until now, Ella hasn't taken to the bottle at all--in fact, it has been quite the battle to get her to even touch it to her lips. However, today we had a breakthrough! My mom and I went to a nursing boutique called "Special Addition" to buy me a better breast pump. Well, 2 hours, a lot of discussion with the lactation consultant, a new, much more efficient (albeit expensive) pump, and 1 $14 bottle (what?!?! They make bottles that expensive!?) later, Ella's tummy is officially full of pumped and bottled breastmilk after her last feeding. She really took to it! She must get that expensive taste from Daddy. So, how did I celebrate? By downing two margaritas from Chuy's and taking a bubble bath. Is there any other way?

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